Object Editor

Order Flags

The order flags are used exclusively to tell the computer player how to use an object capable of receiving orders. The computer player essentially considers the value of sending every ship to any other ship or base in the level, one at a time.

order flag name function
stronger than target not used
target is base prefers target which is a base
target is not base preferes a target which is not a base
target is local prefers a target which is nearby
target is remote prefers a target which is not nearby
ony escort not base not used
target is friend prefers a friendly target
target is foe prefers unfriendly target
bits 9... 18 unused
hard matching friend not used
hard matching foe strongly prefers unfriendly object whose level key flags match this object's order key flags
hard friendly escort only not used
hard no friendly escort not used
hard target is remote strongly prefers target which is not nearby
hard target is local strongly prefers target which is nearby
hard target is foe strongly prefers a target which is unfriendly
hard target is friend strongly prefers a target which is friendly
hard target is not base strongly prefers an object which is not a base
hard target is base strongly prefers a target which is a base
order key A is order key flag A set?
order key B is order key flag B set?
order key C is order key flag C set?
order key D is order key flag D set?